Wriddyl Wriddyl


The first time I got drunk I was 14. Looking back I cant tell you why. I remember liquor being in the cabinet. I remember a friend I had. But I don’t remember what made it call to me, or why I wanted to answer.

The sheer number of variables would be incalculable by a super computer.

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Wriddyl Wriddyl

Sir Real Killer

You’re invited to come see the solving of the ultimate who done. Who is Sir Real Killer?

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Wriddyl Wriddyl

The Music Video for Closure

Welcome back. I’m going to assume if you listen to my music or what not that you’re familiar with the idea of closure. Maybe it’s because I think it’s something most people have longed for at one point in time or another. Is the need so big that it extends through and reached out to people, regardless of worldview? Or am I just super imposing my worldview on everyone again?

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Social Commentary Wriddyl Social Commentary Wriddyl

The Day of Fathers

Just want you want and need. Another fathers day post, while you're scrolling through endless people jumping on board and companies pandering to dads.

But maybe there is something underneath all of it. Buried in a sea of cards and platitudes that fail to connect all the complexities that lie in countless different father roles. Maybe that's why…

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Wriddyl Wriddyl

My Grandfathers Axe

Thought Experiment: My Grandfather’s Axe

If you’ve never seen the movie John Dies at the end, I now formally invite you to take part in this amazing movie. I bring it up, because if you’ve seen it you’re familiar with My Grandfathers Axe.

If not, get ready to take a little dive in the deep end with me.

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Wriddyl Wriddyl

Falling in to uncertainty with a smile

So earlier I posted about why I haven't engaged much on social media, and I also posted a livestream about the Intrusive Thoughts album (don't worry, there will be a connection, I'm just slow getting there)

I'm attempting to do a trust fall in to freedom. Letting go and seeing what happens. Accepting that I'll fall on rocky ground sometime, but trusting that in the end, it will all be alright.

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Livestreams Wriddyl Livestreams Wriddyl

Studio session 6-7-20

So theres a really funny thing about livestreams which I love and hate. They are live. I can’t be perfect, there are no do overs, it’s happening and whatever it is, it has to happen on the fly. Live.

Theres a certain amount of anxiety to that, but theres also a certain amount of freedom to it. It can just be what it is.

This session was pretty funny. I spent 45 minutes working and really didn’t accomplish anything other than looking for sounds and tinkering with a few things. That was it. and you know what? that’s ok. Because people aren’t perfect. We need to get rid of this idea that people are, and that the polished work is somehow a reflection of their soul which is pure talent. That idea breaks us in to hopelessness.

What me struggle and be inspired to know you can do far more than I can.

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Wriddyl Wriddyl

Dear Mr President (it's all the same)

This is the finished work for Dear Mr President (its all the same), for both the video and the song.

I don’t even remember how I stumbled across the George Floyd video. I know it was on Facebook.

Here are some disclaimers. Some that I’m uncomfortable with.

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Wriddyl Wriddyl

Time in the studio week of 6-1-20

Here are a couple of live stream videos I did this week. I was working in both Logic Pro X and Final Cut Pro X on a work that I came to call Dear Mr President (it’s all the same). Just some bts for you.

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Wriddyl Wriddyl

The Wriddyl Wroom: Ep 1.1

Here we are with the first (I’m a liar, it’s really the second) live stream from the Wriddyl Wroom. I decided to unmask as much as I could stand and open up a little bit. I enjoy being behind a computer, or behind a guitar, behind the studio, or behind masks. I figured it was time I unmasked a little bit, and got a little raw

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